Hey, I'm Jan
I'm an experienced web developer focussing on Craft CMS. I have years of experience building client websites, commercial and custom plugins and third-party integrations.
I like to help other freelancers and agencies take their Craft projects to the next level. Sounds good? Reach out! Looking forward to working with you!
Latest blog posts
Creating valid and accessible links
The anchor element is often cited as the main building block of the World Wide Web. It is used to create a link to other pages, to anchors within the same page, to other resources (such as a PDF) or to an email address. How can we make sure they are accessible to everyone?
Start with valid HTML, good link text and when not to use a link.
Securing the Web With Lets Encrypt - Changelog
Very interesting podcast with Josh Ash on how Let's Encrypt started and about what it takes to start a new Certificate Authority. Well worth the listen if you work on the web like me and you interact with SSL certificates and Let's Encrypt on a daily basis.
dog – a command-line DNS client (written in Rust)
dog is a command-line DNS client, like dig. It has colourful output, understands normal command-line argument syntax, supports the DNS-over-TLS and DNS-over-HTTPS protocols, and can emit JSON.
Looks good, and on Mac it can be install through homebrew (`brew install dog